
Acupuncture services include traditional acupuncture, acupressure, cupping, Tuina, and Gua Sha. Not all of these treatment techniques involve needles. Acupuncture can be a complementary treatment to other physical modalities (physical therapy, athletic training, massage, etc.) in which case, your team will work together to ensure a comprehensive approach. It is also an effective stand-alone treatment for addressing a range of issues including general muscle and tendon injuries, stress, anxiety, women’s health issues, and addiction.

One-on-one, private sessions take place in a relaxing treatment space. These sessions are tailored to each patient's individual needs.

To make an appointment call 541-346-4401 or stop by the clinic.

Faculty/Staff Services

Faculty and staff members may now access acupuncture services through the department. We are not available for the treatment of Worker’s Compensation injuries at this time. Give us a call at 541-346-4401 to schedule an appointment. You will then complete your standard intake forms, by using your UO credentials and login to access the myUOHealth portal, click on the “Forms” tab and scroll to the bottom to find the “Faculty/Staff” forms. Once you schedule an appointment with the team, you will have additional forms to complete in the portal.