University Health Services undergoes many quality, certification, accreditation, and preparedness initiatives to ensure that patient care and employee safety are of the highest quality.
- UHS works within an overall quality management system that focuses on continuous improvement and patient-centered care.
- Every three years, UHS undergoes an AAAHC survey to make sure we meet and comply with patient safety standards, and federal, state, and local healthcare laws.
- UHS staff does a number of drills on an annual basis, including fire, shelter-in-place, and earthquake drills. Our staff also conduct routine inspections for safety.
- UHS has an infection prevention team that ensures everyone is safe during medical visits and procedures.
- Patient feedback is important to us! Patients receive a link to a satisfaction survey after their appointment.
- The UHS laboratory is inspected annually by the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments.
- The UHS pharmacy has inspections every two years by the Oregon Board of Pharmacy.