Your Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient, you have certain rights; some are guaranteed by federal and state laws protecting patients. The following are your rights at the University of Oregon, University Health Services (UHS).

Your rights are to:

  • Be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity in a safe and supportive environment.
  • Receive caring, respectful healthcare and services. 
  • Have privacy. Information regarding examination, treatment, and discussions will be kept confidential. An exception may be made when doing so may result in physical harm to you or someone else.
  • To the degree that it is known, receive complete and current information regarding the diagnosis, evaluation, treatment, and prognosis of your physical or psychological condition from your health professional, in terms that you can understand. If a medication is prescribed, you have the right to know the name and possible side effects. When it is medically inadvisable to give such information to you, the information should be provided to a person designated by you or to a legally authorized person.
  • Participate in decisions involving your care in a collaborative working relationship with your health professional, except when such participation is contraindicated for medical reasons.
  • Be informed of services available at UHS, including interpretation services, after-hours and emergency care services.
  • Refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law, and to be informed of the potential consequences of the refusal. UHS may terminate the relationship when refusal of treatment prevents the UHS from providing appropriate care according to ethical or professional standards.
  • Change your assigned health professional if other appropriate professionals are reasonably available.
  • Expect reasonable continuity of care, within UHS’ available appointment times.
  • Receive complete information and an explanation concerning the need for, and alternatives to, a referral or transfer to another health care facility.
  • Access UHS’ payment policies, fees, and to receive an explanation of any charge from University Health Services.
  • Be informed regarding (1) method for providing feedback, including complaints, and (2) policies regarding grievance procedures and external appeals, as required by state and federal laws and regulations.
  • Know the credentials of UHS health professional staff, and if there is an absence of malpractice coverage.
  • Provide Advance Directive, as required by prevailing laws and regulations.

Your responsibilities are to:

  • Keep your appointments at UHS, and if you cannot keep an appointment, notify UHS as early as possible. Cancellations or missed appointments may result in charges and/or the loss of patient privileges.
  • Behave respectfully toward other patients and UHS personnel and property.
  • Communicate directly and honestly about your medical history and healthcare.
  • Seek clarification of information you do not fully understand.
  • Inform your clinician about any directives that may affect your care.
  • Follow the agreed-upon treatment plan prescribed by your health professional and participate in your care.
  • Provide complete and accurate information about your health, medications, including any over-the-counter products or dietary supplements, as well as any allergies or sensitivities you have.
  • Provide a responsible adult to provide transportation home and to remain with them as directed by your provider or as indicated on discharge instructions.
  • Provide information regarding your health insurance coverage and for promptly paying bills for services received at UHS, not covered by insurance.

Where can I go if I feel I haven’t received the care I need?

The first step is to discuss your concerns with your health professional. If your concerns are still unanswered, speak to the lead nurse or manager in the clinic you were treated. You also may file a patient feedback form.

(Also see the Notice of Privacy Practices)